Monday, June 06, 2005

Walk of Life (Inspired by Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist')

I have just completed a mentally and physically challenging course! Really? Well, in a way. The last five days in the Artward/Outward Bound course was unexpectedly enjoyable. More importantly, it provided for many opportunities for self-reflection and expression, something I do well in private but less often in front of others. There were several instances when my senses were heightened and mind awakened. When we were trekking through the forest in the dark, lots of mixed feelings and emotions overwhelmed me and more importantly, helped me reach some important decisions about my own life. That was truly therapeautic! Of course, there were many fun moments, most unforgettably our little skit where I got to play a 40 year-old ma-jie with a long-lost twin sister called RuRu and the late night game of captain ball in the pool with a 'shark.' I really thank my four friends from LPS and those people whom I shared the dark roads with. I met and made some incredible friends (see how My Friends have ballooned from 8 to 24 now, hehe!), especially my two godmothers whom I will fondly remember as 'Da-ma' and 'Er-ma.'