Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Aural: No need for sorry


Sorry is the #1 UK followup to the worldwide smash Hung Up. Beginning with Madonna saying Sorry in many different languages, the song then breaks into a rapturous electronic-disco track that also features an irresistably addictive beat throughout.

Included here on this maxi are some of the best remixes of a Madonna song in recent years. In the absence of Rahoufer and Calderone, we see a surpise here being 80's pop icon Pet Shop Boys doing a brilliant mix of Sorry. With Neil Tennant's added vocals and trademark PSB production, it's hard to think that the boys have never worked with Madonna until now (given that they had written Heart in 88 with Madonna in mind but didn't dare risk disappointment so it was never handed to her). The Oakenfold remix of Sorry has to be his best for Madonna yet. Edgy and anthemic, it brings new energy to the song to create a stomper. Green Velvet's remix is set to a fast-tempo electronic beat with enough beeps and blips to keep you dancing. The only bland mix would be Stuart Price's (co-writer of Sorry) Man with Guitar Mix.

The other surprise would be the excellent Paper Faces Mix of Let It Will Be which was heard at one of Madonna's live performance. With added beats and a stylish makeover, the song screams for a release of its own. (A)

The Little Golden Man called Oscar

The 78th Academy Awards felt like it was a crowd pleaser. That was no clear runaway winner but almost every film that had won accolades in the recent months were dutifully rewarded with something. The bone of contention for me was probably the Best Picture and Best Actress in a Leading Role awards.

While I thoroughly enjoyed Crash, which was one of my favorite films for 2005, it certainly should not be the best picture. The film far lacked the emotional depth which Brokeback Mountain carried but I could totally see why. The Academy voters probably thought it was safer to have a best picture which dealt with racism and discrimination, way less controversial than a gay cowboy romance. Such is the stigmatism associated with a film of such a genre. The Academy wants to look credible amid its conservative shell. It hopes by doing so, it is sending out the message that a gay-themed movie, no matter how good, would never be able to ascend the throne of the highest honor in cinematic history, just not yet. This is tragic to note as the Academy is supposed to value and reward film achievements not political correctness.

Resse Whiterspoon as best actress? Hers was a passable performance, more of a fluke than talent. Perhaps it's the only one time the acting bug was biting at her but I will always remember her as the Legally Blonde and ditzy Resse Whiterspoon. Tough luck, Felicity! The Academy favors the American Sweetheart that is June Carter Cash over the transgender Bree (You smell the political-correctness again?). But for me, you are the Best Actress.

And to Health, Jake and Michelle, you are the lights that make Brokeback shine the way Lee Ang intended it to be. You people are winners already. Lee Ang, your impassioned acceptance speech is definitely an inspiration to all Asian directors and film makers.