Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Resurrected Pink!

Stupid Girls

With the title of I'm Not Dead for her impending album, Pink really wants us to forget the embarassment that was Try This in 2003. After a string of two successful albums including braving the much dreaded sophomore jinx with the splendid Mizunderstood, Pink hit a slump with Try This.

Now, forward to 2006 and the gal rolls out her new single Stupid Girls. Pink's always been a mixed bag, deliberately carving herself out as a hip-hop chick with a punk-rock veneer. On Stupid Girls, she tackles the issues of being a perfect girl with the brains and beauty but the song makes for a jarring listen as it tries to marry the ever popular hip hop beat (with a lyrical mention of 50 Cent) with angsty rock/pop (what's new?).

The interesting thing is the video,which by now is, Pink's way of masquerading a so-so song with a better than average video. In it, you'll see spoofs of everyone from 50 Cent (rapping with a bling bling girl) to Jessica Simpson (soap-laden by a car) to Britney Spears (in her tracksuit get up) and Nip-Tuck (Pink undergoing breast augmentation).

Now there's something interesting after all though Linda Perry should still be back to orchestrate Miss Pink's precarious career. Watch Stupid Girls on Pink's homepage.

(C+ for the song; B- for the video)