Friday, June 17, 2005
Goin' Solo
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Turning 27...and Giving Thanks
I turned 27. Not exactly frightful of the increasing numbers but more amazed at how time catches up then surpasses you without any indication or warning.
As I grow older, birthdays seem less important, but this year is quite a surprise. There were many people with me, my close friends from college, new friends from school and ABS. I am appreciative of the efforts put in by the Singatouchers who tried to 'surprise' me.
I am also very overwhelmed and touched to receive 27 precious gifts from Irene/Zhong Jin and later, the (not-so-)surprise birthday celebration at the airport (though Miss Moi's acting wasn't convincing enough). So there, you guys have made my day... a very special one indeed. Thank you.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
AuralAssualt: World Music? Bossa Nova? It's Bebel's music!

Once again, I must thank this person for this. Cheer up, don't be so sad... :)
Monday, June 13, 2005