Friday, June 17, 2005

Goin' Solo

My solo drive to town turned out pretty fine until I missed the carpark entrance to Suntec. In the end, I circled around the area for more than half an hour, failing to cut lanes when I need to. That's not all. I had an adventure after sending Ms. Wee (ex-colleague-now-friend) home. She led me through a shortcut in Seletar Camp and on my way back, I was lost in the dark roads a few times, coming to dead ends and dark empty streets. Finally, she was nice enough to drive out with her hubby to 'save' me though I was already on the right way out. To be frank, I did enjoy it, for it gave me plenty of private time with myself in my car. And I came by this place before the bridge across Seletar Reservoir, a perfectly serene and godforsaken road that's dark enough for lovely star gazing. I stopped for a while to enjoy the view before calling for help. Yes, if you are lost, be lost in style. Hah.

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