Directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu
Starring Brad Pitt, Kate Blanchett, Rinko Kikuchi, Adriana Barraza, Guillermo Arriaga
One of the two subtle yet powerful films (the other being Little Children) of 2006, Babel is a cleverly scripted, beautifully acted tale of communication (more the lack of it) across different cultures. Along the lines of Crash and Little Children where the story is interlocked by characters who are related to one another in one way or the other. Where the actors all have limited screen time alloted to them, each gave solid performances especially Rinko Kikuchi whose vulnerability leads to vicarious sexual abandonment.

Directed by Todd Field
Starring Kate Winslet, Patrick Wilson, Jennifer Connelly
Todd Field succeeds once again with his delicate treatment of the original book. Despite all the pain, loss and heartbreak, the film leaves a feeling of hope as it ends with the trusty advice, "You can't change history, but the future is a different story. You have to start somewhere." Starring the impossibly impeccable Kate Winslet (Golden Globe Best Actress nominee).
V (Hugo Weaving) fights oppression in a futuristic totalitarian society using terrorist antics while enlisting the help of a young lady (Natalie Portman) from the secret police. Powerful performances and stellar screenplay courtesy of the Wachowski Brothers bring the Alan Moore novel to life.
Directed by David Frankel
Starring Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt
The otherwislight and frivolous novel by Lauren Weisberger is transformed into an entertaining film about the seemingly shallow world of fashion and personal beliefs. All made possible by a stellar performance from the incredibly believable and utterly cold Meryl Streep as Runway magazine editor Miranda Priestley as well as a strong supporting cast of Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci.
Directed by Jonathan Dayotn & Valerie Feris
Starring Toni Collette, Greg Kinnear, Abigail Breslin
Lighthearted, quirky and ultimately heartwarming film about an ultra dysfunctional family beating all odds on a road trip to enter their youngest daughter in a beauty pageant. Great performances and a wacky finale from the vivacious Aibigail Breslin make this the indie comedy-drama of the year!
Directed by Edward Zwick
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Djimon Hounsou
Well-crafted storyline about the politics of illegal diamond trade with loads of tough action and sobbing melodrama makes Blood Diamond an absolutely absorbing watch. Diamonds may be a girl's best friend but you may have second thoughts about buying the next one if you care about what happens in reality in order for many of those diamonds to surface.
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